Atividades Educativas Grátis


Palavras Cruzadas: Verbs In The Past.

Passatempo Educativo: Língua Inglesa.

Leia as perguntas com atenção e responda usando uma das palavras que está cruzada com outras duas.

1 - The past of the verb play is:
A - lived
B - listened
C - played

2 - Studied is the past form of the verb:
A - speak
B - looked
C - study

3 - Nasci em inglês é:
A - liked
B - was born
C - eat


4 - This verb means mudar and we only add the letter 'd' to form its past form:
A - moved
B - lived
C - played

5 - The present form fo the verb spoke:
A - was born
B - study
C - speak

6 - The past form of the verb look:
A - looked
B - moved
C - listened

7 - The past form of the verb like:
A - was born
B - liked
C - eat

8 - The past form of the verb live:
A - study
B - speak
C - lived


9 - Ate is the past form of the verb:
A - eat
B - played
C - moved

10 - The past form of the verb listen:
A - liked
B - listened
C - looked

Outros Passatempos Educativos:

Ao escrever a resposta deste Passatempo Educativo de Língua Inglesa irá aparecer uma placa indicando se houve acerto ou erro. Caso você cometa um erro basta apagar e escrever novamente até acertar todas as perguntas.

Perguntas Enviadas Por:
Nome: Mariani
Profissão: Professora
Local: Jaú - Sp

1 - Played
2 - Study
3 - Was Born
4 - Moved
5 - Speak
6 - Looked
7 - Liked
8 - Lived
9 - Eat
10 - Listened