Atividades Educativas Grátis


Palavras Cruzadas: Qualidades de Pessoas em Inglês.

Passatempo Educativo: English.

Leia as perguntas com atenção e responda usando uma das palavras que está cruzada com outras duas.

1 - A person who fells nervous and uncomfortable about meeting and talking to people is..
A - shy
B - hard-working
C - anxious

2 - A person who shows confidence in her/him own abilities..
A - honest
B - self-confident
C - sensible

3 - A person who is easily upset by the things that people think or say about her/him is..
A - sensitive
B - friendly
C - smart


4 - A person who has or shows good sense or judgment is..
A - sociable
B - shy
C - sensible

5 - A person who acts like a friend is..
A - hard-working
B - friendly
C - anxious

6 - A person who shows or suggests a good and truthful character is..
A - sociable
B - sensitive
C - honest

7 - A person who is very good at learning or thinking about things is..
A - smart
B - self-confident
C - sensible

8 - A person who uses a lot of time and energy to do work is..
A - sensitive
B - hard-working
C - friendly


9 - A person who likes to be with and talk to other people is..
A - self-confident
B - shy
C - sociable

10 - A person who is afraid or nervous especially about what may happen is..
A - honest
B - anxious
C - smart

Mais Passatempos:

Ao escrever a resposta deste Passatempo Educativo de English irá aparecer uma placa indicando se houve acerto ou erro. Caso você cometa um erro basta apagar e escrever novamente até acertar todas as perguntas.

Perguntas Enviadas Por:
Nome: Leticia
Profissão: Professora
Local: Curitiba - Pr

1 - Shy
2 - Self-Confident
3 - Sensitive
4 - Sensible
5 - Friendly
6 - Honest
7 - Smart
8 - Hard-Working
9 - Sociable
10 - Anxious