Atividades Educativas Grátis


Palavras Cruzadas: Vocabulary English.

Atividade Educativa Para Ampliar o Conhecimento.

Leia as perguntas com atenção e responda usando uma das palavras que está cruzada com outras duas.

1 - This word is similar to "man"
A - name
B - male
C - address

2 - Tell someone the letters that are used to make a word.
A - spell
B - weekend
C - fine

3 - Someone who is in your class at school or college
A - night
B - thanks
C - classmate


4 - The word or group of words that is used to refer to a person, thing, or place
A - male
B - name
C - spell

5 - Used to tell someone that you are pleased about something they have given you or done for you
A - thanks
B - address
C - male

6 - Very good or very well
A - weekend
B - fine
C - address

7 - The time between the middle of the day and the evening
A - classmate
B - night
C - afternoon

8 - The specific place where a person, business, or organization can be found
A - address
B - spell
C - thanks


9 - The time in every 24 hours when it is dark and people sleep
A - classmate
B - night
C - address

10 - Saturday and sunday, the two days in the week when many people do not work
A - fine
B - name
C - weekend

Outras Palavras Cruzadas:

Ao escrever a resposta deste Teste Pedagógico irá aparecer uma placa indicando se houve acerto ou erro. Caso você cometa um erro basta apagar e escrever novamente até acertar todas as perguntas.

Perguntas Enviadas Por:
Nome: Jayza
Profissão: Teacher
Local: Manaus

1 - Male
2 - Spell
3 - Classmate
4 - Name
5 - Thanks
6 - Fine
7 - Afternoon
8 - Address
9 - Night
10 - Weekend