Atividades Educativas Grátis


Palavras Cruzadas: Insects Treino de Vocabulário.

Passatempo Educativo: Inglês.

Leia as perguntas com atenção e responda usando uma das palavras que está cruzada com outras duas.

1 - What insect jumps a lot?
A - beetle
B - bugs
C - flea

2 - What insect is green?
A - ant
B - fly
C - grasshopper

3 - What insect has black and yellow stripes?
A - butterfly
B - bee
C - rhino beetle


4 - What insect looks like a stick?
A - stickinsect
B - beetle
C - flea

5 - What insect has a poisonous bite?
A - bee
B - grasshopper
C - ant

6 - What insect is small and has wings?
A - fly
B - stickinsect
C - bugs

7 - What insect is colorful and beautiful?
A - bee
B - butterfly
C - rhino beetle

8 - What insect is small with a hard black body?
A - grasshopper
B - ant
C - beetle


9 - What insect has horns?
A - rhino beetle
B - flea
C - stickinsect

10 - How do you call insects?
A - butterfly
B - bugs
C - fly

Outros Passatempos Educativos:

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Perguntas Enviadas Por:
Nome: Jacqueline
Profissão: Professora De Inglês
Local: Petrolina/Pe

1 - Flea
2 - Grasshopper
3 - Bee
4 - Stickinsect
5 - Ant
6 - Fly
7 - Butterfly
8 - Beetle
9 - Rhino Beetle
10 - Bugs